letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package ===================================== .. py:module:: letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Models for package metadata. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package.URL letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package.JSONPackageMetadata letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package.Distribution letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package.Release letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_package.Package Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: URL Package release URL. .. py:attribute:: comment_text :type: str .. py:attribute:: digests :type: Digests .. py:attribute:: downloads :type: int .. py:attribute:: filename :type: str .. py:attribute:: has_sig :type: bool .. py:attribute:: md5_digest :type: str .. py:attribute:: packagetype :type: str .. py:attribute:: python_version :type: str .. py:attribute:: requires_python :type: str | None .. py:attribute:: size :type: int .. py:attribute:: upload_time :type: datetime.datetime .. py:attribute:: upload_time_iso_8601 :type: datetime.datetime .. py:attribute:: url :type: str .. py:attribute:: yanked :type: bool .. py:attribute:: yanked_reason :type: None .. py:method:: from_dict(data: dict) -> Self :classmethod: Build an instance from a dictionary. .. py:class:: JSONPackageMetadata Package metadata. .. py:attribute:: info :type: Info .. py:attribute:: last_serial :type: int .. py:attribute:: urls :type: list[URL] .. py:attribute:: vulnerabilities :type: list[Vulnerability] .. py:method:: from_dict(data: dict) -> Self :classmethod: Build an instance from a dictionary. .. py:class:: Distribution Metadata for a distribution. .. py:attribute:: filename :type: str .. py:attribute:: url :type: str .. py:method:: from_json_api_data(data: letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_json.URL) -> Self :classmethod: Build an instance from the JSON API data. .. py:class:: Release Metadata for a release. .. py:attribute:: version :type: str .. py:attribute:: distributions :type: list[Distribution] .. py:method:: from_json_api_data(data: letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_json.JSONPackageMetadata) -> Self :classmethod: Build an instance from the JSON API data. .. py:class:: Package Metadata for a package. .. py:attribute:: title :type: str .. py:attribute:: releases :type: list[Release] .. py:method:: from_json_api_data(data: letsbuilda.pypi.models.models_json.JSONPackageMetadata) -> Self :classmethod: Build an instance from the JSON API data.