
Utilities for loading Discord extensions.

Module Contents#


unqualify(→ str)

Return an unqualified name given a qualified module/package name.

ignore_module(→ bool)

Return whether the module with name name should be ignored.

walk_extensions(→ frozenset[str])

Return all extension names from the given module.

bot.utils.extensions.unqualify(name: str) str[source]#

Return an unqualified name given a qualified module/package name.


name – The module name to unqualify.

Return type:

The unqualified module name.

bot.utils.extensions.ignore_module(module: pkgutil.ModuleInfo) bool[source]#

Return whether the module with name name should be ignored.

bot.utils.extensions.walk_extensions(module: types.ModuleType) frozenset[str][source]#

Return all extension names from the given module.


module (types.ModuleType) – The module to look for extensions in.

Return type:

A set of strings that can be passed directly to discord.ext.commands.Bot.load_extension.